What is Holy Baptism?
Baptism is a beautiful and powerful Sacrament in the Christian Church. It is a special expression of God’s faithulness to us and our desires to be faithful to God. Through baptism, we acknowledge our dependence upon God’s love, mercy, and grace as we seek forgiveness of sins or a washing away of our sins. In baptism, we join Christ’s Holy and universal church which spans throughout time and across denominational boundaries. In the United Methodist Church, infants, children, youth, adults, senior adults, and persons with special needs are all welcomed to the baptismal waters.
To schedule a baptism, please call the church office to meet with one of the pastors.
To schedule a baptism, please call the church office to meet with one of the pastors.
Who can be baptized?
In the United Methodist Church we baptize infants, children, youth, adults, and senior adults. We also baptize persons with special needs or developmental needs.
How will I be baptized?
In the United Methodist Church, you may be baptized in the following ways: sprinkling of water, pouring of water, or full immersion into water. As you meet with one of our pastors to plan for baptism, you will be able to express which means of baptism might be most meaningful to you.
When can I be baptized?
Baptisms can be scheduled on most Sundays or Wednesday nights by making prior arrangements with one of our pastors. The date of your baptism will be finalized after you have met with one of the pastors. We encourage you to plan your baptism when family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors are most available to join with you in this blessed and sacred celebration!
Do I have to be baptized to join the church?
Yes! In the United Methodist Church, we make our vow of membership based on our baptismal commitment to live a life as a disciple. During New Member Cafe and New Member Classes, we share about baptism and help those who have not yet been baptized to walk these beautiful and sacred steps to the waters.
Does a youth need to be baptized to participate in confirmation class?
Confirmation is a time when participating youth get to consider and reconsider their own commitment to the Christian faith. During confirmation, pastors and leaders will share with all youth both the meaning and opportunity for baptism as well as what it means to choose to live a life of discipleship. All youth, whether they have been baptized or not, are encouraged to attend confirmation classes.
What if I was baptized before, do I need to be baptized again?
In the United Methodist Church we recognize Christian baptism offered by an ordained minister of the Gospel in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit which involved the sharing of water as a true and valid baptism. We honor this baptism because it is God’s work in your life, and God is faithful to God’s work. We recognize that people often have experiences of spiritual renewal or desire a recommitment to their faith especially when finding a new church home. If you desire a sacred expression of recommitment, the pastors can meet with you and speak with you about the possibility of a special time in service in which you may reaffirm your baptism. Please let us know if you desire a time of recommitment to your faith.